Trigger warning: I don't often issue trigger warnings, but in this post I touch on the many reasons why people are fat, including dieting, so it felt appropriate. You may want to proceed with caution, or not at all.
As Fat Activists it's easy to feel like we're supposed to have passionate discussions about Fat Acceptance all the time, winning people over to the cause. However, sometimes in life we are in situations where having that discussion just isn't appropriate. Maybe there's not enough time, maybe the setting you're in would make the discussion downright inappropriate, or maybe you just don't have it in you that day. All of these are perfectly valid excuses, and no one will try to take away your Fat Activist badge. But if you're like me, you still want to say something. Which is why I've compiled a short list of responses to have on hand whenever the situation calls for Fat Acceptance Light. Without further ado I give you Fat Acceptance, the quick and dirty way:
- When someone conflates weight and health - You can't tell by their body what someone's health is like.
- When someone can't understand why people can't just get rid of their fat - There's not just one reason why people are fat. Dieting; medical conditions; medical side effects; mental health problems; and a sedentary lifestyle and poorly balanced diet, can all make you fat. Also remember that, just like some people are born thin, some people are born fat.
- In the face of the near-constant judgement of people's looks and choices - I'm really not interested in tearing down other people.
- Når noen blander sammen helse og vekt - Du kan ikke se på kroppen til noen hvordan helsa deres er.
- Når noen ikke kan forstå hvorfor folk ikke bare kan kvitte seg med fettet sitt - Det er ikke bare én grunn til at folk er feite. Slanking, medisinske lidelser, bivirkninger av medisiner, psykiske problemer, og for lite bevegelse kombinert med et dårlig balansert kosthold, kan alle gjøre deg feit. Og husk at akkurat som noen mennesker er født tynne, er noen mennesker født feite.
- I møte med den nærmest konstante dømmingen av andre menneskers utseende og valg - Jeg er ikke interessert i å bidra til å holde andre mennesker nede.
I have a couple I use for food shaming.
"It's just [insert food type], it's not the anti-Christ."
"Either eat the [insert food type] or don't eat it, the world won't end."
Hope these help!
Those are pretty excellent! =) Thanks.
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