Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...

The holidays are upon us, and with them come the emotional minefields that make up the social gatherings of the season. We gather to celebrate with people we know anywhere from as well as anyone could possibly know anyone to not at all, all bringing with us our own baggage and the baggage that comes with the different relationships. The different expectations we feel weighing on us; the people we meet; the emphasis on food and drink; all these things can contribute to making the holidays a complicated, or even a downright bad, time. I am expecting to write a post on my own experiences during the holiday, wherein I will also invite you all to share your holiday experiences with me. For now, however, I direct your attention to Marianne Kirby and Lesley Kinzel's Fatcast episode named

Spending The Holidays With Your Family

It was made with Thanksgiving in mind, but since I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and since I think it applies extremely well to other holidays as well, I am directing your attention to this most useful episode now.

Til mine norske lesere: I dette innlegget gjør jeg ikke egentlig noe annet enn å anbefale en podcast som er spilt inn på engelsk. Jeg regnet med at du ikke kommer til å høre på denne, om engelsken din ikke er slik at du kan lese dette innlegget på engelsk, og jeg har derfor ikke skrevet en norsk versjon.

ps. If you're alone this holiday season, and not because you want to be, please feel free to contact me through the email address mentioned in one of the boxes on the right. Any time is a good time to hear from any of my readers, but if I could not only hear from you, but help ease your burden, even just a little bit, I would feel privileged to hear from you! / Om du er alene under denne høytiden, uten at du ønsker være det, må du føle deg mer enn velkommen til å kontakte meg gjennom e-post adressen nevnt i en av boksene til høyre. Enhver tid er en god tid å høre fra hvilken som helst av leserne mine, men hvis jeg ikke bare fikk høre fra deg, men også kunne være til noen slags help, vil det føles som et privilegium å høre fra deg!

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